Saturday, March 24, 2007

More pictures from Paridise

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In no particular order...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

ALOHA | Day 1

After one of the longest, most sleep deprived finals weeks of my college career, I had had enough and jumped a plane to Hawaii! I knew life would be good the instant our plane left the Seattle clouds and became one with the burning orb people like to call the sun, with all its firey glory!
This is as happy as I can be concidering I got up at 6am...

After a 5 hour flight and a failed attempt of me trying with all my might to actually complete the crossword puzzle they give you in the onflight magazine, we were greeted at the airport with leis and love from Heidi.

From the airport, Josh, Melissa, Julia, Jackie, Carri and I picked up our MiniVanMahem!...our sweet, sweet ride. (I don't have pictures yet, but just you wait!) After loading the kids into the MVM we headed to our new home. Little did we know that the Dole plantation is up the street from where we stay, so naturally it was our first stop in Hawaii. And let me tell you...what a delicious treat that was. First off, several of us were corrected in our thinking that pineapples grew in trees. Shameful moment. They indeed DO grow underground. See, vaccations CAN be educational. Regardless of whether they come from trees or dirt, I don't care...they're delicious! Especially when they're covered in thick chocolate.

Now let me tell you about our hut...aka the YMCA camp. Its definitely not glorious, and would probably not recieve any stars in any hotel listing, but it's a hut. It's a hut literally on the beach. And when you're in Hawaii, really all you need is a shower, a bed, and a beach anyway. Its perfect.
In the photo you'll notice a building to the left. That's where I live. To the right...endless ocean. I love my life.

With pure excitement, Melissa and I ran into the waves next to our hut. Or maybe I should say that the waves ran right into us.

The rest of the night we spent playing on the beach and had a bonfire with friends.